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The Redemption of Zion

3% of blessings since 1950 included the promise of The Redemption of Zion.

You are a daughter of Abraham, and shall be reckoned in that lineage upon Mount Zion, in the City of the New Jerusalem.

You shall be blessed in standing in your place as one of the horns of Joseph and a Savior upon Mount Zion in the appointed hour.

It is thy privilege to live to see all the works and purposes of the Lord accomplished which the prophets have spoken of concerning Zion in the last days and share in all the glory and blessings of the same.

Thou shalt have many seals to thy ministry and the power to return unto Zion with songs of everlasting joy.

Thou shalt live, if you desire it, to see peace gathered and Zion redeemed and not a dog to move his tongue against the Saints.

Thou shalt see Zion redeemed, and the holy city Sanctified before the Lord.

In the redemption of Zion no enemy shall conquer thee, for thy life shall be precious before the Lord.

You shall have an inheritance in Zion. You shall help to rear the Temple in Zion, and do the work for the living, and the dead, till you are satisfied.

Thy days and years shall be prolonged until thou art satisfied with life and shall see the coming of the Messiah and have an inheritance on Mount Zion, the New Jerusalem, with the Saints for ever.

You shall have an inheritance in the Zion of Enoch, and be of that happy number that shall be all of one heart and of one mind.

With your companion you shall have an inheritance in the Zion of Enoch.

Thou shalt lead thy thousands in the redemption of Zion and behold her waste places built up never more to be thrown down.

Thou shalt receive thine inheritance on Mount Zion, the New Jerusalem.

You shall have the privilege to live to see the Zion of the Lord established and many temples and waste places built upon this the land of Zion and see this government broken into pieces as a potters vessel according to the word spoken by the apostle of the Lord, Wilford Woodruff.

Your days and years shall be lengthened out and you shall live as long as life is sweet to you and see the Zion of the Lord redeemed and his kingdom fully established upon the Earth.

I say unto thee that thou shalt live to see Zion redeemed.

Thou shalt come to thine inheritance in the land of Zion before you die or are translated as the lord will.

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You shall witness the downfall of Babylon and the redemption of the Saints.

Thou shalt live to see the temple built in Jackson County, and shalt rejoice therein in conversation with thy brethren.

There shall be many of your posterity that shall do good in aiding to redeem and building up of the center Stakes of Zion. There shall your inheritance be, and there your children's children, for though you die there shall you be gathered, and stand with the elect of God, to meet your Savior and Zion's City when they shall be revealed from Heaven. Let your heart rejoice, let your soul be glad, for these things are true and faithful.

Thou shalt be blessed to see the Glory of the Lord rest upon Zion, blessed to see peace prevail, blessed to perform a long and youthful mission in the land and the building of Zion.

It is thy privilege to see Zion redeemed and the kingdom of God to be given to the Saints of the Most High, to labour up for the kingdom of God upon the earth, and thy way and duty shall be plain before thee.

If you will exercise great faith you shall live to see the City of Zion built up in Jackson County, Missouri, and the Glory of the Lord resting on the Temple therein, and in connection with your companion shall receive an inheritance with the Saints, and your eyes shall behold the Lord Jesus Christ in the flesh.

Thou shalt assist in building the Temple at the center stake of Zion upon the consecrated spot dedicated by the Prophet Joseph Smith.

I pray that thou mayest receive with the faithful in the City of the New Jerusalem an inheritance for thy self and thy posterity.

You will yet return to the center stake of Zion.

It is your privilege to assist in the redemption of Zion.

Thou shalt take part in great and glorious events connected with the establishment of Zion.

Thou shalt have the privilege of going with the Saints of God even to the center stake of Zion, and do much good in helping to build that beautiful Temple. Thou shalt enter into that temple when it shall be prepared for the reception of Jesus Christ.

Thou shalt be with the remnant of Jacob upon this land when they shall go to the center stake of Zion. And you shall preside over thousands of them while they are building the great city and temple, and you shall have joy in your labors on that land, and you shall see that beautiful temple erected.

Thou wilt enjoy many of the comforts of this earth and have wherewith to assist in the up building of God's Kingdom, and the redemption of Zion, and the building of the Holy Temple.

Thou shalt be numbered with those who shall tread the sacred portals of that holy temple that shall be erected in the center stake of Zion, and thy eyes shall behold great and glorious manifestations therein, even the face of the Redeemer.

It is thy privilege to live and behold the Redemption of Zion and the coming of the Savior with the mighty hosts of Heaven.

You may do a mighty work in the gathering of the House of Israel and the building up of the New Jerusalem.

If you desire it you shall live to see the temple of our God erected upon the sacred spot in Jackson County Missouri, and therein you shall receive heavenly instructions and witness the wonderful manifestations of God to his servants and shall feel the presence of Holy Angels in that sacred place.

Thou hast been chosen to come upon a mission to this Earth to assume a body and bear thy part in establishing the truth and redemption of Zion.

Thou shalt live to witness the redemption of Zion and the building of the new city, the New Jerusalem, on this continent and witness the united order established.

It is thy privilege, dear sister, to witness the redemption of Zion, the building of the new Jerusalem.

Thou art a chosen vessel sent forth in the dispensation to help redeem Zion, and if you are faithful to your covenants with the Lord you shall even overcome all obstacles in your way. You shall be victorious in helping to establish Zion.

From among your posterity will rise up stalwart men and women, who will take part in the building of the great and holy city, even the City of Zion to which the Christ will come, and they who have served Him will see His face and hear His voice. Then the great reign of peace will reign on earth. Look forth to and prepare for these things, for they will surely come.

Cherish this heritage that you have. It is through this lineage that the great and beautiful temple will be built in Missouri. I give unto you a special blessing and a promise that if you will live worthy and be prepared for it, that you shall be called to assist, whether it be manual labor or monetary, to contribute to the building of that temple. You will live to see that temple built where the Savior will come to reign as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The building will be adorned with the gold and silver that the Ten Tribes will bring with them. What a glorious blessing to see the mantle of the Lord upon this beautiful building. This is a great promise given unto you and it will require a lot or righteous living to see these things before your very eyes.

You will see the gates of Zion open, even though there are great commotions, warfares, and disruptions. The wealth of the nations will pour unto you, and all that are in Zion.

You will help many people to go through the temple and help them to do the work and you will do the work for many of them. It may very well be in the temple which will be built in Missouri.

You will be privileged to do your full part for the redemption of Zion here upon the earth and are expected to do all you can to help prepare yourself, your family, and others around you for the return of the Savior.